Electric Furnace VS Gas Furnace

Below are the pros and cons of the electric and gas furnace.

Pros of Electric Furnace

  • Units are more affordable than gas units.
  • They are quiet compared to a gas furnace.
  • The lifespan is typically 20 to 30 years. This is usually double that of the gas furnace.
  • Repairs are much simpler with an electric furnace. Repairs will usually cost less than with a gas furnace.

Cons Of Electric Furnace

  • Electric furnaces are less energy efficient than gas furnaces.

Pros of Gas Furnace

  • The gas furnace is more effective at heating than an electric furnace.
  • More energy efficient than electric.

Cons of Gas Furnaces

  • A gas furnace costs more than an electric furnace.
  • Shorter lifespan and more noisy than an electric furnace.
  • Must be installed by a professional installer which adds to the cost.
  • Possible issues such as carbon monoxide poisoning and accidental fires may result if not installed properly.

See Also:

  • Electric Furnace Learning Center Here